London Material Centre (2024)

Location: 16 Blossom St, London E1 6PL
Project with: Royal college of art MA Interior design project
Duration: 2023.10 - 2024.07 (9 months)
Output: Interior design, Interior Concept
Aware: RCA MA Interior Design - Head of Programme Prize
London Material Centre is a material library that aims to sustain and preserve disappearing materials and designs. It stores and sells a variety of historic materials from both modern and contemporary eras. The London Material Center is located at 16 Blossom St. near Spitalfields, which has a long history, and serves as a space to preserve historic architecture, narratives, and heritage of materiality.

LDMC material palette (Discarded casting iron tiles and Brackets)

History of 16 Blossom St.
Historical objects in 16 Blossom St.

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